CEO Update – April 2021

It’s already April and the year seems to have just flown by! CLA has been very active in reinventing and renovating our various properties around Albany in the past three months. We are very pleased to advise that work has been completed on our first Short-Term Accommodation (STA) property down at Marina Cottage on Princess Royal Drive and our first STA resident moved in!

Further extensive work on the larger building is well underway and we anticipate that this renovation will be open in May. The redevelopment of our capacity development centre at 56 Cockburn Road is 98% complete and is awaiting the installation of air conditioning and furnishings.

We are very excited about the prospect of opening up Albany’s first safe space for our participants on Friday & Saturday nights for unsupported participants to be able to socialise and relax amongst friends until 10pm, after which they will be dropped off home by our transport service.

I am also very pleased to advise that CLA has passed our self-audit for our NDIS recertification process and will be welcoming our external NDIS auditors to complete the process in the forthcoming months.

Our Support Services teams have been very active in working on long-term permanent rosters and I believe that all our participants will see the benefit of this hard work in the very near future.