

CLA offers personalised support for your independent living, community and social needs. Our professional staff are ready to assist you to thrive living the life you choose.

Supported Living

CLA supports people to live in their own home or to move into independent living.
Our trained staff can provide daily life support in your home that includes:

  • Domestic assistance
  • Personal & self-care tasks
  • Shopping
  • Bill paying
  • Attending appointments
  • Medication assistance.

Community Support

CLA provides assistance with community participation providing opportunities for you to engage in meaningful activities, which promote inclusion and friendship, build independence, develop resilience, and connect you to our community.

Social Support

CLA provides assistance with social participation. We provide group and individual opportunities to support you to make new friends, connect with a range of daily activities and build and develop new skills and interests. We offer our CLA community hub at 56, a unique social space for our participants to hang out, socialise and engage in a range of exciting monthly activities. Check out our Lifeskills activities here

Accommodation Support

CLA can assist you to gain improved living arrangements by sourcing suitable accommodation tailored to your requirements. We can also support you to maintain your living environment by liaising with housing providers.


Get started by completing our Request for Services Form by clicking below: